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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

By Leen Alqudsi.

All the time we see and hear that the situation is bad, there is a catastrophe and there are people in need, catchwords and slogans are every where and the result is nothing, just more and more of victims and displaced families.

IRAQ Builders team once again came to achieve the promise, they surpassed the words and are doing their best to reach every needy family.

Their destination this time was Chikuk, where there are many of displaced families came from Amerli, Bashiqa, and Tuz Khurmatu. The team has visited them and distributed most of their needs including air coolers, refrigerators, children stuff and food in addition to the medicines that were brought by the medical staff of the team.


“IRAQ Builders are help and support”, it’s not just a slogan, we are really here and will always build, help and support and will never let you down.

IRAQ Builders

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