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A New Ring in the Chain of Success

By Leen Alqudsi.

360 kilometers away from Baghdad, and exactly in the eastern south of Iraq,
the land of the Sumerian civilization, Al-Nasiriyah.

Once again, 8 heroes from our team there are drawing the smiles ..

This time the smiles were for Oum Hussein, who is a widow and a mother of four underage orphans without a place to live in. She teaches in a school and her monthly salary is an amount collected from her colleagues as a support for her, because she doesn’t receive one from the government!

With a land donated by a benefactor in there, in addition to a donation from a another one abroad and the team members’ efforts, a new life has been started for this widow and her little orphans. An amount of 5,000,000 IQD was the cost to give them happiness, to achieve a wish and to build a new house for them and change their life for the better.


Yes, we are a new ring in the chain of civilization.

It was started once upon a time, and now we are here to make it continue..

IRAQ Builders

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“The Other Hundred” Photo-Book

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