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Distributing Food Aids in Al-Nasiriyah

By Alzahraa A. Razzaq.

Being a man or a woman,
Finding yourself helpless,
I will always be herein,
Give a hand at your service.

After the bad conditions happened in some of the north Iraqi governorates, caused by what is called Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham(ISIS) who massacred thousands of humans regardless of their religions whether they were Muslims, Christians, Yazidis, and other monitories, killing them, burning alive, raping women or either being married to the terrorists, led people to flee their homes. So that they went towards the south looking for shelters.


On the other hand, all the southern people are eager and competing to have the chance to give a hand to those people, that showed the world the true Iraqi unity.

As usual, full of ardour and nobility, IRAQ Builders team is at their service in everywhere in Iraq, in one of the campaigns they distributed food aids in Al-Nasiryah on displaced families from Musul and Kirkuk.


We always “help and support”.

We will never let you down.


IRAQ Builders

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